
My perspective

Diego Enjamio(denjamio)

Greetings from Spain!

First of all, thanks for this book. I´m a junior rails dev working mainly in the e-commerce sector for retail and I have to say that it has been a great inspiration. The clear way in which it is exposed, with real examples and solutions reduced to the minimum possible. It has helped me strengthen concepts about service objects and the Single Responsibility Principle and how to work around them. Congratulations and I hope you continue to share this knowledge.

I am really sorry that this language is so undervalued.

PD: sorry for my English :/

  • Nick Haskins replied

    Hey Diego!

    Thank you so much for those kind words!! I really appreciate that, and I'm really happy that you were able to learn a few things from the book!

    P.S - I apologize for the delay in this response! We don't get notifications of new topics via email but I'm going to work to change that next week.